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Bodhesatva said:
tokilamockingbrd said:
I take it you have never taken ANY Economics classes... WORST POST EVAR!!!

question, why would people be scalping them if there was not insane demand? Why would be bids be going through the stratosphere? Are the scalpers buying them from each other? Are you from a Central Planning economy? You must be or else why would you have no grasp of how a free market economy works.

This was what I was about to ask.

Every single Wii that is scalped is then put on the internet and sold to... an end user. So here's the million dollar question: if these thousands of people were willing to pay a 100 percent markup to buy the system, why wouldn't those same thousands of people be willing to buy the system for 250 in stores? 

Lol, I guess that was a more polite way to ask it Bod : )

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.