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Yes. Quite frankly he's a good president, and I find most people who say otherwise tend to approach Obama with a pre-conceived opinion of him. These people are are a small minority who seem to have a large voice and are desperate to make it seem like he's doing a bad job, and this sways the opinions of the floating voter.

He will be elected again though. I think that by 2012 (once his policies are in motion) his effect on the USA will be recognised and the opinions of the floating voter will not be swayed so easily.

Also, that coupled with the fact that the only good Republican candidates (e.g. Ron Paul) seem to be alienated by other Republicans. They will never beat Barack Obama by putting someone like the ever-popular-with-republicans Sarah Palin against him.


Although at this point it is probably a little early. He could start slipping and messing things up. Who knows?