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Complaining about the story of a Mario game at this point is like complaing about the story of a Gran Turismo game.

Story is just NOT the point of Mario games.  Just like it's not the point of a game like Gran Turismo, which is devoid of any.

... Because ignorant people like RolStoppable just won't accept that Mario games are being praised one title after the other for their unmatched and innovative level designs, intuitive and precise controls and the fact that the games in the series are nearly flawless on a technical level (barely any bugs or glitches).  (yeah, see what I did there. ¬_¬)

There are certainly games out there that are deserving of similar attention, but stating that they are "more deserving" than Mario games in the fashion that RolStoppable worded it is just plain arrogance and completely subjective, even if he's trying to conceal it by taking the lecturing yet childish "my opinion is right, yours is ignorant" approach.