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I think it's fairly obvious at this point that Morgan Web simply does not like Nintendo. Notice how she picks the stupidest reason to hate on Galaxy 2. She can't even find a good excuse to hate the game! To me, that usually indicates the sign of a great game that people WANT to hate, but can't find a sufficient reason, so they point to stupid crap like "it's too cartoony!!1"

This is despite the fact that Mario games have ALWAYS been cartoony!

You can also look to the fact thaat her favorite game is RACHET AND CLANK, one of the most cartoony games in existance, for evidence that she WANT to hate on Galaxy 2 and Nintendo.The hypocracy is obvious.

Though like I said, we shouldn't care what MTV err G4 thinks about games. It's like me caring what MTV thinks of my favorite metal bands..