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pariz said:

Let's think it the other way around.

What would you think if a reviewer makes the next statement:

Unfortunately God of War III was too manly. Don't get me wrong, I love the GoW series and all of that, but I think its about time the put gore themes aside and deliver us something else. Can't he just talk with those Gods and arrive to an understandment? Violence for the violence itself has grown old.

Again as others have pointed out, there are several issues with that statement that make it an Apples to Oranges comparison. God of War III is a violent, story driven, action game. It also is only 5 years old.  If 10 years from they had released several other God of War iterations and it was very similar to God of War 1....And yet it received perfect scores across the board, you really don't believe it would get critically panned?   Ofcourse, it would.  Unimaginitive.  Tiresome.  Boring.  Same old.    Would all be used to describe the game.

Like I have said numerous times, when a game released 14 years ago is pretty comparable to your most recent version you open yourself up to criticism.