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tarheel91 said:

So in order for a game to be enjoyable over the years the graphical style must undergo massive overhauls?  Guess that screws almost every series that's been popular over the years: Final Fantasy, Call of Duty, Half Life, Gran Turismo, Mario Kart, Gears of War, etc.  Do I need to go on? 

She really seems to be only complaining about the "omg it's a cartoon; it's so kiddie" thing.  I see no that having no relation to doing the same old thing.  That tends to be more gameplay oriented, and I'm sure even SHE recognizes that the difference gameplay wise between SM64 and SMG 1/2 is MASSIVE.  It really seems like you're just trying to twist the thread to fit your agenda, that is: ZOMG Nintendo's getting away with recycling the same games for 30 years despite all the massive innovation they've brought in gameplay with each iteration (in general, I will acknowledge a few exceptions).

Final Fantasy (13 years ago). 

Final Fantasy (Present day)


Nope....No Graphical Overhauls there.  /Roll eyes.   Let alone the story over hauls and differences in each game.  What is the objective in Mario Galaxy again?  Saving Peach? 


Call of Duty (Released in 2003)

Call of Duty (Only 7 years later)



Half Life 1 (Released in 98')

Half Life 2  (Released in 2004..*6 years ago now**)


Gran Turismo (Released in 1997)

Gran Turismo  5 (Present day)




Do I expect Nintendo to change their style?  No.  Do I expect them to make Mario adult? Gory?  No.   Do I expect them to do something  that makes me say 'Wow!  I really need to get that looks like they've done a lot to it!'.  Yes I do.  Mario for SNES did that.  Mario for N64 did that.   No Mario since has done that.   Gravity doesn't impress me.  Every game incorporates some form of gravity nowadays.    Do these great 'gameplay' innovations include keeping the same jumping mechanics fourteen years later?   Or adding a bumble bee costume instead of Flower power?    Come on now.


Nintendo has the nostalgia angle that Morgan Webb mentioned.  I bought Super Mario Galaxy 1 based off of hype, ratings, reviews and nostalgia. "Well it is a Mario game..".  After I completed Mario Galaxy, I said "I won't be fooled again Nintendo".   Same thing after Super Smash Brothers on Wii.  They need some fresh ideas not re-hashed ideas from 1996.