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sc94597 said:

Hehe, I love reading some of the posts along the lines of "it is her opinion!!! Don't bash her". Well if an opinion makes very little sense, has very little basis to support it, and further information contradicts this specific opinion I can't help but laugh at how much credibility that person has lost. Opinions surely can be bashed, if they are senseless ones. The core of the matter is that she either made a stupid assumption that the next Mario game would be more "mature", she is trolling, or she is too dumb to clarify her thoughts before she speaks them. Then furthermore they are all nice and dandy and give the game a 5/5? What? Opinions are worth something, and if you don't present them in the right way they lose their value, and in my opinion, if somebody doesn't know what they are talking about and can't even sort their thoughts then they deserve to be bashed just so they learn in the future. She should know better than to use descriptions like "it is cartoony", considering how long she has been doing this. There are many explanations for this odd behavior, but I think the most likely one is that they are trying to suck up to everybody. They don't want to lose their credibility among the "hardcore" so they dwell on graphics(and later bring up some non-existent "expansion" comment), but as a consolation for fans of the game or reviews from others they give an inconsistent 5/5. If you can't make up your mind then your opinion is worth nothing. If you can't support your opinion with observations, evidences, or facts then it is worth nothing. That is how most people go about things, and this is no different. 

good read, but i dont know. gamers make OP's that are found base less all the time. perception is the key here. in this thread i found alot of assumetions about her OP that where unfounded. she never said it was a bad game so her OP on how it looks is just visual perception. we don't and won't see things the way others do, but for your OP to be respected you haft to respect others OP's as well.