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TheWon said:
DirtyP2002 said:

I stopped playing Mario for the same reasons she mentioned.

I think since Mario 64, which was a great game, the Mario-platformers (except NSMB Wii) were more or less the same.

Mario 64,
Mario Sunshine,
Mario Galaxy,
Mario Galaxy 2

all high quality games, but I think if oyu have played one, there is little reason to play the next.

Somebody mentioned Uncharted, Killzone, Halo or Gears series were always the same as well and I have to disagree. First these series push the technical possibilities for their consoles and I am happy that they do that.
Second they have a different story. Every game tells you a story and for Halo, it is really epic. There are 5 Halo-novels out there and all tell you a great story. I haven't played a Mario since Mario64 (expcet for some gaming sessions with friends), but is he still trying to rescue the princess?

The story, atmosphere and Multiplayer is very important to me and Mario can't deliver one of those three categories.


I am not hating on Mario, if you are into this kiddy (sorry) kind of game and you want to be entertained for some hours I say go for it, pick it up and have fun. It is just not my type of game anymore. Really no flaming here.

See this is what happens when some one thinks they have point. The graphics from Super Mario 64 to Super Mario Galaxy 2. is way bigger progression. Then your Halo 2 to 3. Gears 1, 2, and 3. You can't make gray and brown look any better. Multiplayer is a addon mode. It has nothing to do with the core of the game. Unless it's M.A.G. or Army of Two which are multiplayer games. Story is just the reason for you doing the same shit over and over again. Kratos  in God of War trying to kill a God. In part 2 trying to kill a God. Part 3 trying to kill a God. The only difference is the in between filler. Makes you feel like you doing something different. How many times did he go to the underworld. The why is different, but you still are going. So every game is the same game every time. There are those of us who have a limit of 4 to 5 years. To replay the same game again. Then there are those of us. Who needs to play same game every 2 years. I rather pay for a 50 dollar game every 5. Then a 60 dollar game every 2. Or in the case of Call of Duty, fighters and sports games. 60 dollars every year.


Halo 2 --> Halo 3 two generations

Gears 1 --> Gears 3 SAME generation

Mario 64 --> SMG 2 three generations.

What a shocker that the graphical improvement for Mario is bigger than for Halo. Try to compare Gran Tutismo on PSOne with GT5p or GT5 for that matter. You might want to rethink your point.

And why are you sensitive about this? I just said that Mario really is a game aimed at a younger audience and I did not like it, because it is the same over and over again. True the core gameplay stays the same for other franchises as well, but you have the story and the multiplayer that keeps you entertained. Mario has neither a story nor a multiplayer and therefore it is not MY TYPE of game. You can have fun with it, nothing wrong here. I just don't like it.

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