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@forestspirt: you are spot on. If I hear one more person say "x and x game" is a "breakthrough in gaming" due to its "clever plot illiteration" I swear I'll punch someone. Ok it is fantastic that someone has come along and crammed a (not very) literary story into the one place you can no longer avoid it (in your games) but:

1) try reading some real literature before you hail "armored solider kills alien onslaught" as literary genius

2) (in many cases) your game neither enhances the story, nor is enhanced by it having the story, nor does it make up for your game sucks

3) Your game is not art simply for having housed a piece of (in most cases mediocre) art inside of it. Sure a game "can" be art, but story does not make a game art

4) I have run out of other points to rant about but I'm still angry, like there are many other reasons this pisses me off but I can't think of them right now
