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Rockstar steps down E3 plans

No new games to be shown in LA, says publisher

Rockstar's stepped down its E3 plans, telling journalists that it will be showing no new games at the Los Angeles mega event this month.

A company spokesperson told CVG that instead it will be focusing on scheduling its own dedicated press rounds at its headquarters in the coming weeks.

"In the end, we feel we simply don't have enough time to show as much as we would like in the time available," a spokesperson said. Rockstar was planning to show Max Payne 3 and LA Noire at the show.

It's also been claimed, via Nuts writer Rory Buckeridge, that the GTA house has pulled an "E3 game launch". 

However, our thinking hat tells us that game announcements would probably be reserved for a platform holder press conference, and thus wouldn't be affected.


Well since Agent isn't a "NEW" game per se (we saw the logo last E3) lets hope we'll still see something from it at SONY's conference

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey