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There's a good deal of games that release on PC/360 -- Left 4 Dead being one of them -- that I absolutely hate playing on the 360. I own it on 360 (Because I have a friend who is a Mac user) and PC, and I essentially never play it on the 360 unless I absolutely have to play with that group of IRL friends.

I would argue that there's a pretty important difference. There's also a pretty good reason why most games don't allow PC/360 cross play: because historically when it's been allowed, it hasn't been a level playing field. Console players can't keep up. Not because they're bad or unskilled or anything, but because the controller is simply patently inferior for the skill-oriented, competitive genres (FPS, TPS, RTS).

Which all points to the suggestion that it isn't the same experience. I'm honestly not sure what is closer -- the PSP and PS3 are obviously far different on a technological level, but their control mechanisms are very similar. The 360 iterations of games are typically only slightly inferior to the PC version on a technical level, but the input methods are vastly different. Personally, I'm far more concerned with input method than I am technological advantage, but it's a matter of preference.

On topic: Fable III, Mass Effect 3, and several others mentioned are not 360 exclusives. The list of major titles exclusive to the system is fairly low at the moment, but I suspect a fairly substantial Natal reveal forthcoming.">">