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I don't know if anyone has brought this up yet (I'm not going to read all five pages of this, I mean come on) but a 10 doesn't always mean perfect, and not all critics score games the same. not only that but not all of those perfect 10's you seen on Metacritic are in fact 10's, some of them are 4 stars out 4 or five out of five, that metacritc will score as 100. IGN and game informer (GI didn't give it a 10 I'm just using them as an example) will on occasion give out their highest score (a 10), but that doesn't make the games perfect, and Gamepro will often give out 5 out 5's but still list complaints in Cons side notes. but a magazine like PC gamer uses a scoring system that goes up to 100 and they have only given out that score once (that I have heard of, or maybe they never have I haven't PC gamed in a while) the general rule is the more degrees of score the critic uses thar harder it is to get that full score.

Check the link below. (note to Admins: it's not really porn please don't ban me!)