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I'm gonna go out on a limb here; I wasn't impressed by KZ2's visuals.

For me, it had the "Conduit effect." I know technically it pushes push a lot of shaders, polygons, etc, but the repetitive industrial environments and boring art style turned me off.

Plus, there were alot of little things that irked me. The revival-beam-thingie and the flamethrower were weak effects, and cartoonish elements like the "trails" left behind grenades and some of the character's faces (lookin' at you, Natko) clashed badly with the otherwise realistic look. There were also a fair few times when I took cover and found myself staring at an ugly low-res texture.

A lot of it is probably because I was caught up in the hype over it's graphics. same thing happened with Heavy Rain, which I was also disappointed with in terms of visuals.

It's not even in the same league as games like God of War 3 and Uncharted 2 in my eyes. Now THOSE games stunned me visually!