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So i was talking about vietnam war with someone and basically i said "USA lost the war because our goal was never met" but he tried to say " we never lost because they never took us over".


I said "It doesnt matter who takes who ever, we never met our goal, we were UNSUCCESFUL"

He replied "It doesnt matter they never took us over".


Basically i put it like this.


Vietnam war is like the holocaust, both had a reason for existing.

America = Hitler

Vietnamese = Jewish people


I said if all the jewish people in the world died tomorrow, would the Holocaust be succesful?  The answer is no, The holocaust never killed every jewish person in the world, even if they did die later on, the holocaust was unsuccesful, therefore we can call it a loss. Right? Even though hitler wanted the jewish people dead, and if it did happen it wouldnt be because of him, therefore he was unsuccesful in doing it.

(No offense to jewish people)

America never made them stop fighting, but they did later on, and not because of us, therefore we lost that war.


What are you guys opinion on this?