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Anyone that thinks that Sony would not make major changes to the way they deliver digital content if they made an all digital platform, needs to die right now. I am so sick of people having zero concept of change.

Humanity, is making it extreamly hard for me to believe in evolution when we have the same dumb crap going around and around. Stop, and think for 10 minutes about things. Research, and understand what is being presented to you. Make hypothisis of what it could be, and find what would be needed to make something work. Try to determine whether something from one segment already solves a problem that an advancment in another would present.

What could Sony change if they went to an all digital PSP?

-Every store that sells the unit must have a kiosk to allow people to obtain the content.
-Uses the rental service for PSN movies to allow people to rent games.
-Allow people to give up their rights to a game in return for $5 - 10 towards their PSN account.
-Subscription service were you can play all the games you want, as long as you pay the monthly premium.

Why do prices not go down for digital content?

-Sony still has to create the content which is the biggest cost.
-They have to run many servers to distrabute the content (in this case the kiosks would also add to the cost).
-Shipping charges go away, but bandwidth charges apply instead.
-They have to hold an account for every person so that people can have access to their entire library. This way you never have to worry about lost or damaged games.

Please stop and think about this beyond today, and beyond how it effects you. Things have to be looked at from more than one angle when change is occuring. We as a society need not to look at change for a way of how bad they are, but ask what will these changes do to make life better for me, and all others involved. Instead of saying this will not work because of this PERIOD. Ask how will this work with this in the way. Hopefully I am getting the idea acoss.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams