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Square Enix has revealed several new details regarding the game they have been teasing for the last month, Project X.

According to Dave Hoffman, who is the Director of Business Development and Executive Producer, the unannounced title has reached a new milestone in development. He also revealed that Project X is a RPG game. You can read the entire message below:

new milestone just rolled in on project X! Can't wait to reveal the latest and greatest RPG to come outta Square Enix.

Previously, Dave Hoffman stated that Project X “will blow your socks off.” This might be the same title Sonia Im, Assistant Director of Public Relations of Square Enix, teased about that will make many “shocked and stoked.” With E3 2010 slated for next month, perhaps we will be hearing more about Project X soon.


collabratin? with westrn devloper maybe?