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lostintheodyssey said:
badgenome said:

lostintheodyssey said:

Bush is bad! His debt was bad! Democrats are good! Their debt is good! I have proof that the tea party is 150% white, but I won't link it because it's super secret! LOLOLOL!

Wow way to put words in someones mouth I just pointed out the fact that the budget was balanced before he got in there which is true.  I didn't say democrats were 100% good I just made the opinion that given time I believe the reform would pay off which may or may not happen and if it doesn't I wouldn't have a problem saying I was wrong.  And I can link the sites if you want be judging by your tone you would just say sites like bloomberg, university polls, etc were from the liberal media.  And I also notice where you ignored where I doubted the promise of Obama where he said he would withdraw the troops but you just see what you want to see.


Edit) Well I might as well do you as well.  I'm a white man from mississppi and I'm afraid of the hispanics coming in and taking over all of our jobs.  No matter what we must keep em out of our country.  Who cares if we may have falsified a war much like the Iraq war because we wanted to take California from them as well as Nevada and Arizona. The nerve of the government stepping in and trying to make things somewhat fair for all people in the country no matter their race, class, or religion we need to keep the government out of our lives so we go back to the old days when only a certain group could prosper and we could get away with whatever we wanted to. I also think that everything the modern republicans do is right and the tea partyers are my heroes. They say they are anti government and anti big business but they get elected and they expand the government, turn the other way when it comes to big business and raise taxes but that's ok I'm not going to hold them accountable for what they say I am just going to keep rooting for them. Because they are definitely better than those democrats. 

I'm going to pick the one poll where it says the party is similar to the demographics of america and ignore the other polls like cnn, bloomberg, and university polls that show that whites make up 88-89% of the tea party.  Clearly that is an attack by the leftist media with an agenda while the poll I picked doesn't have any agendas because I say so.  But even if the party was 150% white who cares I am white so they represent my america so who cares about those other groups anyway we should have kept them out of the country. 

Also I don't want to pay taxes for anything.  If I get hurt in an accident I don't need the police or hospital or any government services I can limp myself back home and treat my own wounds.  I don't need to call the police if someone breaks in to my home that's what my shotgun.  I don't want to pay taxes for education if I have kids I will put them through school and pay for it myself.  What do I look like I don't want to use my tax money to help others.  Helping others is unnatural and unhealthy for me.

See, there is a huge difference: you are psychoanalyzing a person about whom you know nothing, while I simply distilled your overly verbose bullshit down to its essence.

You might, I dunno... stop calling someone a racist for two goddamn seconds (if it's possible for a leftist to do that) and link these other sources you keep talking about?