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Ok here goes

Basically the contenders:

FF Versus XIII -- Made by KH team but no KH got over 90 on metacritic

Persona 5 -- Likely because Persona 4 got over 90

The Last Story -- Possible, but the last Sakaguchi game got below 8 0 on metacritic (Lost Oddessy)

Xenoblade -- lol probably not BUT if it delivers like xenogears did who knows

Final Fantasy XIV -- An MMO...its possible b ut unlikely

Final Fantasy XIII-2 -- If it happens & if they take care of criticisms reviewers had its possible

Final Fantasy XV -- Again...who knows at this point

Lost Oddessy 2 - Maybe critics will like it more?

Demon's souls 2 -- Possible!

They are the only ones I can think of.....I was gonna include WKC2 but again unlikely for that.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey