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While this was a well written review and I'm pretty excited about the game, I'm certain this is a great game, but I must state how this just kinda proves the point about IGNs reviews.

Craig Harris also reviewed NSMB Wii, low balling the score of a game because it should have had online multiplayer cause "online is standard this day and age", frankly shoehorning in an excuse to rate it lower despite the game that was made was exceptionally solid and he had to put in online multiplayer as a standard to count off.

In turn if that is your standard then by all rights there is no way in hell SMG2 deserves a 10, Craig used to be the entirety of the handheld team, so he knows that SM64 on the DS had multiplayer, pretty fun multiplayer in fact, if you can shoehorn in online multiplayer as a reason to count off on NSMB Wii you should count off on SMG2 cause you can do fun multiplayer in 3D Mario as well.

Sorry for the bit of a rant I went on but the lack of standards is outright awful and a pain to see.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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