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The Green Lantern Corps polices the galaxy. It is the center of the color spectrum. The color of life. It represents willpower.

Seven Corps will be born:

A force of Hate will arise and the Red Lanterns will be born. The bearer's rage will be unfiltered and unchecked.

A squadron weaving the Indigo Light of compassion will attempt to spread goodwill throughout the universe.

The Orange Light will be discovered and manipulated by a being whose greed knows no bounds.

Elsewhere, a flicker of Hope will shine from deep space. The Blue light will hold the line in spirit, if not strength.

Yellow is the color of Terror. The power of Fear.

...they that harness the color of Love, the color Violet.

The seven Corps will be at war. It is foretold that as the emotional spectrum glows brighter, the war of light ignites in full force. The skies on every world will darken. Then, the "Blackest Night" will descend upon us all. The seven corps will will the universe.


--Had to break out my issue of Green Lantern #25 to make sure!!