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It's hard to say how much was Alan Wake hyped outside of these boards, here everyone and his grandma knew from selnor that AW is "the SH!T". If the whole hardcore gaming base was hyped similary and than the shit hit the fan with 82 metacritic and outdated scheme after 5 years in making and beeing hyped for half a year... might've hurt.

But let's see next week, beeing released with Red Dead (better game, larger audience) isn't going to help it's sales. Maybe watch the legs, I was kinda expecting huge opening week like with Heavy Rain or Splinter Cell, but legs might be where it's at. But if not, that this is really bad for Remedy. On the other hand, poor sales may force them to release this on the PC also, which wouldn't be half bad for some gamers. (I can't play horrors, too damn scary :)

MY HYPE LIST: 1) Gran Turismo 5; 2) Civilization V; 3) Starcraft II; 4) The Last Guardian; 5) Metal Gear Solid: Rising