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Soriku said:
Packie said:

Well then let's start with what really pissed me off about the first season. It's already been established since the beginning of the show that lelouch is a genius. and why is that? it's because he's good at chess. okay fine but please someone tell me since when was being good at chess gave you the ability to outsmart an entire battalion of elite soldiers AND lead an anti-government guerilla movement that he just met.

And why is lelouch so stupid despite him being a "tactical genius". Why the hell didn't he board the next plane to Brittania, geass his way through security and shot his father in the head instead of killing his brother first. He already said that his goal is to avenge his mother by destroying the entire royal family, wouldn't be much more logical to kill the emperor first and then finish off the rest of the family. which brings me to my next point that the Geass ability itself is way overpowered and conveniant. this becomes really aparent when he accidently orders his sister to commit genocide at the japanese people in the first season. but wait, there were multiple number of occassions through out the show were he clearly left his geass open and nothing happened. why didn't the geass affect the people he was talking to?... oh wait, plot conveniance.

there was also a very stupid scene were C.C's ex-boyfriend or something returns and kidnaps Lelouch's sister after being literally turned into a swiss cheese by the cops. how did he survive being shot by multiple assault rifles and come back the next episode like nothing happened?

I could go on if you want to.



The chess thing isn't a plot hole...the reason they showed him being good at chess is just showing off that he's smart. He's already a tactical genius and chess didn't have any other meaning. Soriku, with all due respect, you can't just throw me the "He's already a tactical genius" excuse and expect me to buy it. how and when did he become an oh-so tactical genius? okay you can argue that lelouch may have studied strategic warfare when he was young but did the show even bother explain to us why he is so smart. In Death-Note(which I consider good but overated btw), they showed and told us why Light was so smart, why he's able to constantly outsmart his foes. Now Im not saying Deathnote is flawless, it definetly has its flaws but I thought that Deathnote did a better job explaining Light's character than Code Geass did to lelouch.

You can't honestly think he could plow his way through security and whatnot by himself and not get killed. Sure he could use Geass but Geass won't stop surprise attacks. Plus it's not like Lelouch is this amazing tank of a warrior; he's not physically fit. There's no way he could've done anything like that.  Why not? He was able to conquer half of Asia, why is it so hard for him to get through airport security and then sneak in to the royal palace(heck, he and Suzaku took over the throne in season 2 without breaking a sweat)?! and I didn't mean that Lelouch has rush in like rambo. he could've easily geass-ed a group of Britannian military personnal to become his obediant slaves and help him with the assassination of the royal family and above all that, he can do it without getting directly involved.

At the time with Euphemia, he lost his power to turn his Geass off which is why that whole thing happened. Also obviously I don't remember every character said but I don't think he ever gave things like orders with his Zero mask off (Geass can't work with that on). correct, it was already established that the geass cannot work while he was wearing the mask but, correct me if im wrong, I do remember in several occasions, especially in season 2, that he was able to talk to people with the geass on and nothing happened to the people he was talking to.

As for Mao the soldiers were given an order to shoot and not kill. He ended up surviving because of Britannia's advances in medicine. I dont remember this episode well so I cant argue with this point.