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I don't think it will happen, nor do I want it to. Nintendo has always first been a gaming company. They're aware of the failures of GBAVideo and UMD movies, and I don't see them actively pursuing movies for the 3DS. However, if someone approached Nintendo of their own accord, then we may see something show up. But I also don't see that happening, due to the size of portable screens.

As for my personal thoughts, well, I bought a gaming system. If the resources are split up doing other things also, then it detracts from the gaming. There's a saying "Jack of all trades, master of none", which I think represents the PSP. It does many things, and it does most of them well, but it's not mastered any. Whereas the DS focused on games, and I think it mastered those. So I can't play movies on my DS? I don't care, I'm playing games!


-On a quest for the truly perfect game; I don't think it exists...