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I was wondering recently, now I don't know anything about the technology going into 3DS. But from what I've heard its supposed to give the user the same 3D experiance as on say a 3DTV just without the glasses, am I wrong?

If so the 3DS will be the first real 3DTV without the glasses. So would it make sense for Nintendo to sell movies for the 3DS come launch. We all know Nintendo gave movies a shot on GBA with little to no success. Sony tried again with the UMD and had limited success to no success. But with the 3DS being the only 3D option for many owners is it time to try the movie route again?

Do you want to see movies like Avatar and ToyStory3 availible on the 3DS come launch day? Could Nintendo pull it off where GBA and PSP failed turning the 3DS into a truly multimedia device?



"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer