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Good Thread, PS3 is continuing to sale more and more, When you look at the numbers, sure 360 has a year head start, with a holiday, If you look at it face to face, take away they year head start and Christmas PS3 numbers are very very good. Take that year away PS3 would also have more total sales also. I love my PS3 and 360, and own about 30 games on each, for about 60 games, I look at it from a unbiased place, but you will always have these fanboys who will twist things in there mind to make them selves feel better, instead of it just being what it is, I mean shit weather PS3 or 360 sale more consoles or software, I am not going to get any richer, My life will not change in any way, I am not married to any of them, but I will still continue to play the games I like on my 360 and PS3. Numbers will always be numbers, it all depends if you have the balls to look at them from a true perspective.