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Hmm, it's a hard choice, it would have to be one of these three:
* Eternal Sonata
* Oblivion
* Fallout 3

With Eternal Sonata, it had a decent game buried in there, it was just sooooooo broken. Add to the fact it has one of the worst dungeons in the history of RPG's (Fort Fermata) and that bow chick that could heal your entire party and kill everything in a single round and the game just wasn't good. It's sad because the music and the graphics were incredible.

With Oblivion, it just failed as an RPG. You had no motivation to actually do the main quest and you ended up just doing side quests until the gameplay became painfully boring. Fallout 3 was pretty much the same problem though it at least kept your attention much longer.

I think I'm going to go with Eternal Sonata.


What the Hell?  Why is Dead Space and Farcry 2 even mentioned in this thread?