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I don't know about 'better' per se, because of the undeniable difference in a part of the Wii's userbase, but I definitely think it would sell much better than it has been. Think about it: if EA threw their Madden marketing at showing people that you can "juke, pass, and throw a touchdown from the comfort of your living room" instead of focussing on the graphics, is it so hard to believe that the Wii version would sell better?

Good point, but there IS some validity to what I'm saying. You just need to look here ( to see how people want the more mature games with decent Wii controls, even if they are dumbed down (I guess that's not 100% on track with my original point, but there are similarities).

I will agree that, while graphics aren't the most important thing, there are some rare cases where a game just wouldn't be the same without them, such as Call of Duty and Gears of War. Those games would not be as good on Wii, because a good portion of their awesomeness is based on shock value, which is greatly contributed to by the graphics.

However, I would arguethat the two other games you mentioned, Star Wars and Tiger Woods, also sell better on Wii because, like I said, they take advantage of it's capabilities. Tiger Woods has very well-implemented golf-swing controls, and so it sells very well. Do you think that half of the Wii's casual userbase that buys games like TW would do so if it was controlled solely by buttons or if the motion controls were bad?
Same goes for Star Wars--most of them don't read the reviews, they just think SW+Lightsaber=awesome.

Both of these games sell better on Wii because of their well-thought-out control scheme.