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Sorry but these numbers are wrong.

The proportion of PC revenue is too high.

They expect me to believe that PC has 24% revenue in the US? (PC 16% + 8% MMO which is esentually PC games).

palancas7 said:

Study: Used Games, Online Make Up 46 Percent Of U.S. Gamers' Budget

U.S. gamers spend the most amount of its total budget on console games, with over $15 billion spent on home and handheld software. PC followed with $4.15 billion spent total. Game portals claimed $2.78 billion, mobile devices $1.1 billion and MMOs $2.12 million.

No. Last time I heard USA PC revenue was around $1 billion per year. Now it's $4 billion all of a sudden? (and it's not even including MMOs).