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Destroyer_of_knights said:
Aj_habfan said:
Sorry, but the Wii is a cheap sonsole for a reason - It's hardware isn't that advanced. In this case, it can not handle RE5. Enjoy the benefits you have and accept the downsides. That's all I gotta say, good luck.


DAMN! Beat me to it.

I don't want to sing the tune that most developers are singing: That they still haven't tapped into the hardware's true potential. But it's true.

I remember seeing comparison shots of games that were released the first year for consoles, such as the PS1, PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube, with games that were released later on, and the differences were quite startling. No, they did not compare a crappy game with a blockbuster.

360 and PS3 are still going to flex their muscles, and developers will make sure they get a good work-out.

But forget graphics, what about what's within the game? What if Capcom made it possible that more than 10+, or even 20+ enemies were on the screen at the same time, would the Wii seriously handle that? I'm not talking about 5 guys here, another 2 there, and 3 more up there, I'm talking about walking into an area and there is a little militia barreling down at you.

I don't know what Capcom will do, but it's a tad bit too early to proceed in calling Capcom ignorant for not releasing, or as of yet not planning to release RE5 on the Wii.

Here is Gamepro's list of 48 most anticipated games of 2008:

There are quite a few games that will be making their way onto both the PS3 and 360. Maybe there is a reason as to why the Wii isn't included, which could very well be the same reason as to why the Wii won't get RE5.