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Economics 101

They are gonna flood the market with Wii's this week which mean the price is going to fall, and for 3 reasons.

1. More supply, less people looking on ebay or wherever

2. A lot of people are going to try to make a buck this so if you are thinking about getting one to scalp know that thousands of others are.. More Wiis more scalpers Ebay gets flooded price fall flat...

3. We are getting close enough where people my not want to risk not recieving it in the mail, they might just say "If I am gonna get it late, I am going to do the raincheck and pay just retail, screw ebay"

Don't get me wrong they will still be scarce, but you are not going to lose any money(if worse came to worse you could return it at no profit...) but that profit margin is going to dwindle.

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.