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Your opinion is again subjective, I use my ps3 for all it's features, I get my money's worth off it.. you probably wouldn't or probably would if you had one.. as for games that isn't really true, considering all the 360's best multiplat games are on the ps3, and ps3 has more exclusives, in variety, and even quality(gamerankings/metacritic) .

As for getting the family together, that is also fairly subjective and a flawed statement, the ps3 brings families together, as does the 360, as does the wii. Saying the wii is the only one that does that isn't true at all. The comment about wii games having the most fun and replayability is also subjective, how would you know? Have you played a ps3? DO you have a ps3? Have you tried playing a ps3 with a friend?

