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Something you all seem to be mistaken about is Soriku's FP posts, or Friend Party posts, Soriku in fact has many more friend posts than Dtewi, BenKenobi or Leo-J because despite Sorikus predecessor being unfriendly. This generation Soriku has invited more Friends than any other poster. 
Renar said:

I can't believe no one is talking about John Lucas's prediction that Soriku's post count would exceed Avogadro's Number , (6.022 x 10 to the 23rd power), by 2008.

While I do think the demand is there, he is NOT taking into consideration that Soriku would need to type at 453 words per minute continuously for the next  quadtrillion years.  And that the sun will probably nova within 10 billion years.


aww man both your posts in this thread are great (adds as friend)

I find it funny that two of the people we were taking the mickey out of have produced the worst set of joke posts in this thread.