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I wanted to write a longer post but I'm honestly finding it difficult to judge what's going on in all this mess.

How come there is such a stink surrounding you dsister about wanting to follow the cop when on the first day you posted(1 & 2) about hating the follow-the-cop strategy?

In the 3 games I have been with you in, I have never seen you act so strangley. And I'm not sure I can see any method to the madness. It might not be an absolute indicator that you are scum, but it has increasingly put you at the centre of the town's attention and I just don't know why you would want to do that. You're really not a bad player so I'm surprised you let this happen to you. And I don't really like it either - because we saw the success for the town of lynching the last attention whore. I don't see any sound justification for the votes you cast either.

Falcon is actually active - but that doesn't negate the fact he's barely participated across the two previous game-related days. You pretty much just chipped in to get Stefl lynched Day 2 and then never posted again.

I don't like how Mario keeps voting with what his "feelings" tell him and not his judgement. You seem to be chucking that vote of yours around quite a lot so there doesn't seem to be anything special about these "feelings" of yours.

I'm unsure.

KingFate + SciFiBoy

What are you guys thinking right now?