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Brennan said:
DirtyP2002 said:
Xero said:
DirtyP2002 said:
Brennan said:
JaggedSac said:

MS Response:

"Our partnership with Bungie as a first-party developer for Xbox 360 remains unchanged, and right now we're deeply engaged with them on the development of Halo Reach, which is poised to be the biggest game of 2010."

Translation : "It hurts. May you all Bungie scumbags die in hell. But please make Halo Reach another AAA game first before going PS3 / 360."

Priceless. So looks like MS doesn't know the definition of a 1st party dev either. Or they lie again.

Their PR talks look more and more like Iraqi Information Minister stuff recently, between that and "FF13 will sell more on 360" (that one was hilarious, they were outsold like 3 or 4:1). Next PR : "There are no tanks in Bagdad, we're winning the war" ?

Here is a reminder MS :

"In the video game industry, a first-party developer is a developer that is part of a company that actually manufactures a video game console."

List of 1st party devs, strangely Bungie is not on it :

Bad journalism or another MS lie ?


There was a nice discussion in this thread aboput bungie, halo, future projects etc etc.... but then Brennan came in to ruin the fun.

You said MS shopuld buy / build 1st party studios... Do you really think this way? You prefer Sony consoles, someone might even call you a fanboy, but I won't go this way. Imagine MS really goes out and buys studios They could buy Remedy, Epic, Mistwalker, Valhalla Games, Valve, Bioware and Capcom with the money they earned this month... Do you really want this? Please be honest.

MS has a lot of talented studios and probably a lot of games in the pipeline we haven't even heard of yet. Lionhead, Rare, Turn10, 343 Industries and Firebird Studios all have at least one game in development we don't know anything about yet.

And they have awesome 3rd party support. Actually the best  for any  console. Remedy, Epic, Mistwalker say Hi.

We knew that Bungie would go multiplat since 2007. The one thing that makes me wonder is why they picked Activision. I hope Activision does not ruin Bungies games in any way.

Lol you really think there'd be any viability in purchasing big publishers like Capcom or Valve? These are god awful examples. I'd be happy to see them buy Mistwalker, Epic (doubt Epic would go for it since they have other obligations). Remedy isn't viable either, 1 game every 5 years is not good enough for the nature of the games they produce and Bioware is a subsidiary of EA... So Mistwalker and Valhalla games... sure why not. 

They need to be looking at snapping up new and upcomming developers rather than pre-existing and heavily established. 


[  ] did understand my post

[x] did not understand my post

I never said they should buy these studios, I said they could if they wanted to.
Heck, MS offered 43 billion USD for Yahoo. They can buy any developer they want. Financially there is no limit. That's what I was talking about.

Another thing that needs to be mentioned: The customer does not care about 1st or 3rd party exclusives. All they see is "exclusive". That is enough. 3rd party exclusives like Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Gears of War, Gears of War 2, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, Splinter Cell Conviction (and hopefully soon Alan Wake) did very well and they are exclusive. That is what counts. Nobody cared if they were made by 1st or 3rd party studios.


Except it doesn't work like that in gaming. You can't "buy" a dev unless you've got good relations with them otherwise every dev just leaves the boat and it's over (see infinity ward, no amound of Actibliz money could keep them from leaving). MS having unlimited money is just a myth anyway.

I agree that when you buy the product, what matters is that they're exclusive, not 1st or 3rd party, but look at your list :

1) Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2, Splinter Cell, Gears, Left 4 Dead, nearly every game in your list is NOT exclusive since you can play them on PC, heck that's what I do, FPS are better on PC anyway (playing Mass Effect on PC right now, great game, but exclusive it is not).

You see ? there's nearly no real exclusive on your list. My PC cost me a few hundred euros and it's a lot more powerful than a 360. It plays most 360 games, just better (better gfx, mouse for FPS, better sound and so on). PS3 / PC gamers have very few reasons to buy a 360, and it's even worse now with Bungie gone.

2) The problem with 3rd parties is sooner or later they're LEAVING (stopping being exclusive). You're losing your exclusivity when they go multi. See Bungie, it's lost for 10 years now as an exclusive provider. That's why Sony buys studios. BUT you've got to keep good relations with them too. Which Sony manages to do. Read what devs say, they basically worship Sony and respect them for being left alone...

MS must stop releasing its big games on PC (which they started to do), but they should also buy studios in my opinions, by first forging long run partnership and good relations with big devs.

Epic could be a great target.

Yeah you can buy them on PC. And your lucky to have a Gaming rig that runs them well. But the majority of console buyers out there dont bother with PC gaming. The sales tell this. So to average joe thinking between 360 and PS3 those are games he will never play if he buys PS3. So yeah it favours M$ hugely to have those game console exclusive.