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Vizion said:

Nintendo could have capitalized immensely if they weren't so conservative and had more Wiis produced. I wouldn't doubt there could have been 10-15 million more Wiis in people's homes today if there were that more many available.

If the userbase was that much larger even more developers would have shifted more of their resources to the Wii thereby creating an even higher demand for the Wii and decreasing demand for the 360 and PS3.

All year long the Wii was selling like hotcakes and Nintendo still didn't increase production to meet demand especially for the holiday seasons. What a huge opportunity Nintendo missed.

Don't get me wrong, Nintendo is still greatly successful even with this huge mistake. But they could have been so much more successful and dominant in the console market if they had more Wiis produced.

 Why would Nintendo, who have been struggling to sell past 25 million consoles in the two previous generations produce 25-30 million Wii's for the FIRST year?! That would be an amazingly rash and idiotic business decision, regardless of the outcome.

There was no way for them to know whether the Wii would sell at all, and at which rate it would move. Hindsight is 20/20, in business and everyday life... Unfortunately; it can only be applied AFTER, hence the expression.