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The companies will collaborate on the next “next big action game universe”, and Activision will have exclusive worldwide rights to publish Bungie's next big title on multiple platforms... finally.

Activision is going through a bit of a rough patch lately, as evidenced by its CEO resigning and having this whole Infinity Ward debacle on their hands, most recently developing into a lawsuit... however, today, April 29th, the tide turns with Activision-Blizzard's announcement of signing a major 10-year contract with Bungie, under which the ubiquitous publisher will exclusively publish Bungie's "next big action game universe" - and knowing the fantastic world Bungie has created with Halo, along with the period and partner of collaboration, this is nothing but HUGE, MEGATON size news. I can tell you that I didn't see this coming, you can tell me that you didn't see this coming, we can both go out to dinner and discuss the major surprise over some Risotto. Though, in all honesty, I'd rather not.


Thomas Tippl, Activision CEO, and Harold Ryan, president of Bungie. High hopes for us and for them.

Bungie is known for being a very, very, skilled developer, and since this contract is for "multiple platforms and devices", I can't help but being excited thinking what they can do with hardware other than Microsoft's - and looking at the long period in which they'll be working together, they'll also manage to get their new IP out on the next generation of consoles!

Oh, and most importantly, this new IP will retain Bungie ownership, making the developer free to whatever it wants with it after the contract expires. Bungie will also retain the independence it received from Microsoft back in 2007, which is best for both parties involved in the new project.

The deal took about nine months to close down, so it has been long-brewing (personally, I'm surprised no rumors about it leaked out)... and in an effort to get their games to as many people as possible, Bungie chose megalith publisher Activision, which, according to Bungie prez Harold Ryan (above) has exceptional "global reach, multi-platform experience and marketing expertise," so the reason as to why it's Activision and not some other publisher is damn obvious.

The big question now is: When are we getting more details regarding this new IP in question? E3, perhaps?

There's bound to be lots of discussion over these news, so please route yourself to the comments section or the forums.

P.S: Infinity Ward? Yeah, forget that name, as it has broken up and officially been replaced. While it's unknown whether Bungie do work on the Call of Duty franchise or not, Activision's next big hit is definitely coming from the Washington-based developer, and the spotlight's on them now... them and the whole Infinity Ward ordeal.





MS Response:

"Our partnership with Bungie as a first-party developer for Xbox 360 remains unchanged, and right now we're deeply engaged with them on the development of Halo Reach, which is poised to be the biggest game of 2010."




Next Bungie game is definitely multiplat.  Pretty big news.