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‘Incredibly accurate’ PS Move ‘a step up from Wii

Sony’s new motion control device will allure the core market, says Cohort CEO

Dundee developer Cohort Studios is busy building one of the first PlayStation Move titles to be released – and the group has already heaped praise on Sony’s motion control device.

“The PlayStation Move is a great piece of hardware,” says studio CEO Lol Scragg. “It has a fantastic feel to it and it’s incredibly accurate. We’ve had no issues with it, and the hardware and the libraries have come on well.”

In an interview with Develop, the Cohort CEO said that both Sony and Microsoft’s new wave of motion control peripherals will allure many of the core market who have – in some respects – become vocally opposed to motion control gaming.

“Having used both controllers a lot, I’d say it was clear that the Move controller is so much more accurate [than the Wii]," said Scragg. "And it’s not just across the X and Y-axis either, the Z axis is really accurate as well."

He added: “I understand that, if you read any of the forums, you’ll [see] people state they don’t need motion control, but that’s because they’ve likened motion control to the Wii.

“Once Sony and Microsoft start releasing their own games for their motion controllers, I think the core will come round to it.”

Cohort is currently building an upcoming on-rails shooter, given the working title ‘the Shoot’.

Elsewhere in the interview, Scragg went on to warn that developers shouldn’t insist on developing motion control games for sake of it.

“I don’t think every game can work with motion controls,” he said.

“Some things just don’t fit, and I’m hoping – with these new motion controllers – developers don’t say ‘oh we’ll just force in motion controls’ because it would add something new.