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Each form of entertainment are focused (or suposed to) on one thing that makes them unique or greater than the others:

Graphics = for the best visual experience, watch a movie. U can't have better graphics

Music = for the greatest music, go listen to what the industry (and independant) have to offer, there is something for any taste. I'm not saying music in games is bad 'cause i love most of nobuo uematsu and koji kondo's (and many others) works.

Story= for a great story, read a book (not watch a movie 'cause most (hollywood) movies stories sucks anyway)

Gameplay= well, it IS what makes videogames ''unique'' The interaction with what you see on the screen


Since it is gameplay that makes them unique, i think it's important that the industry leans towards greater gameplay than greater graphics. When u have solid gameplay mechanics, the rest becomes secondary.

However, i know that these other aspects can enhance the experience, but the gameplay must be good for that to happen. Even if u have the greatest graphics ever seen but have a crappy gameplay, then this game is a failure, IMO at least.

Games that are visually appealing doesn't necessarily have countless polygons and high quality textures. it's all about art style! The best example is mario galaxy. It's an SD game, with an art style that won't old. The game is colurful and vibrant with breathtaking environment and a bunch of little animations here and there that really makes the game alive. On the opposite side, Crysis, which is very beautiful graphicaly, won't be that pretty in 10 years. It's doesn't have any personality because it doesn't have any art style. It just want to recreate reality as close as possible with actual technology.