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Here is Microsofts take of Septembers NPD

Xbox 360 software revenue at retail outsold PS3’s software portfolio 8:1 and Wii’s 4:1, selling 3 times more than both platforms combined.

o For the month of September according to NPD, Xbox 360 software represented 74 percent of total software sales for the next generation market compared to 17 percent for Wii and 9 percent for PS3. Even without the sales of “Halo 3” the Xbox 360 portfolio outsold the PS3 portfolio 2:1.

Now, is this fair for a logical argument of software attachrates? Thier claiming that their software was 4 times higher than the Wii and 8 times higher than the PS3. Sure, its fair game, right? But its not fair for a logical argument. Mario Galaxy is the biggest Wii game for sales that it will possibly ever get. Some may say Brawl, and it may but thats not the point. Its the elite game of the Wii. Im saying, an analysis of October to November is skewed in favor of the Wii more than normal