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eugene said:
Let me restate your original post Bod of what I believe your saying in a nutshell

"Look at October, Look at how good Microsoft thinks they did in software, but now look at November and see how Microsoft can not make the same claim of software superiority because the Wii did so well in selling software." (in a nutshell , meaning its not a quote)

Im not saying its "not fair game" cause of Mario. Is that fair for a logical arguement of software attach rates ? Probably not. Its like comparing August software sales with September. Its skewed because September was skewed in favor of Xbox obviously. And Halo 3 lost 80% of its sales in October. It was not a diffrenciator.

 (Let's try to be nice here, Eugene).

You've missed my point. Let me restate it very concisely: look at both October and November. In October, Microsoft had 51 percent hardware market and 54 percent software marketshare. In November, Microsoft had 45-47 percent hardware marketshare, and presumably somewhere around 47-50 percent software marketshare (again, based on the notable absence of any claim that the Xbox outsold PS3/Wii software combined. They've been telling us this for three months: why else would they suddenly switch to: "We're number 1?") 

In other words, the 360's software marketshare is about 3-5 percentage points higher than their hardware marketshare. In America, that is. Again, is that good? Yes, very. Is that so utterly dominating that nobody else compares? No. In the past, the 360 has been called a software behemoth, and people have lamented the (supposedly) awful PS3 and Wii software sales rates. What I am saying here is: the 360 does sell more software, but not A LOT more software. It's not like the Wii would need twice as many hardware units to match the 360's software sales. More likely, IF the Wii ever reaches 40 percent marketshare, and the 360 37 percent marketshare, the software totals will be about equal. Long term, over many months, with no "Mario" games to distort the overall picture.">">