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Fuzzmosis said:
I think Eugene's point is: He believes that Mario Galaxy, out in November, is an outlier, a massive game (True) that temporarily raised Wii's software sales (Debatable).

 We understand his point. The problme is my analysis includes October, which was notably Mario Galaxy-free and very heavy on Halo 3 sales (500k the first week of October), Orange Box, Project Gotham Racing 4, Ace Combat 6... 

So if Eugene can apply the "no fair, Wii had a big game in November!" method, why is that method suddenly inappropriate when applied to the 360 in October? Can you name a single game that came out in October on the Wii? I can: Guitar Hero III. And guess what? That came out on the 360 too, in addition to all the other titles I just named.

And yet, the 360 only managed 54 percent software market share, compared to 51 percent hardware marketshare. I say only, because shouldn't it have done way better with all those amazing games, if it really were an unmatchable software seller? It's software marketshare was 3 percent higher! One last time: Is that good? Yes. Does it suggest the 360 sells software at a rate the PS3 or Wii simply cannot match? No.">">