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Rubang B said:
The 360 used to sell over 50% of the software when it had over 50% of the userbase. Now it doesn't have over 50% o the userbase so it doesn't sell over 50% of the software.

That's it. Galaxy and Halo had nothing to do with it. The 360 had the top selling game of November anyway, but the WHOLE argument, is my first tiny 2 sentence paragraph.

Since I have had trouble being concise thus far in this thread, I highly recommend that everyone examine the bolded sentence above. It's the key point in this thread, and the main piece of evidence my other discussion points revolve around. 

If the 360 had less than 50 percent hardware for many months -- slowly dwindling to 40 percent, which is probably where they will be around mid-year 2008 -- and still maintained a majority marketshare for software, that would be impressive. That would show it really was selling software at a profoundly greater pace than either the PS3 or Wii (specifically, it would be selling software at exactly 1.5x the speed of the other two consoles combined). 

The fact that the 360 ceded software and hardware majority in the exact same month tells us that it may be selling software a bit better, but not at some profound, unmatchable level. Compared to its hardware marketshare, the 360 is maintaining a near-identical software marketshare. That's good! It sells software well. But it is not an unmatchable machine.">">