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IvorEvilen said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Kasz216 said:
AkibaFan said:
wow ff6 did very well.


get ovr urself dude.

FF6 probably won't end up with the greatest amount of 10's.  But it's likely to have the highest median and mean.  FF6 is probably by far the most popular Final Fantasy game among people who have played it.

What I find really interesting is the CONSISTENCY in this one. Most are giving it between 9 - 10

In the FF8 thread it was like a freak cricus had "10/10 ONE OF THE BEST FF EVA!" then the next post down "0.5/10 -- UNPLAYABLE MESS, WORST FF EVA!"

You hade more 9's, 10's....and 3's, even a  few 0's

I just can't understand how peoples opinions on 1 game can differ SO MUCH. The range for FF7 was lower it went from 4 (lowest) to 10

But with pre PS FF's it seems its pretty consistent in terms of ratings.

When did this huge divide occur, is FF7 the reason for dividing fans or do we blame it on FF8?

While I don't think it applies to everyone, I do believe some wanted to hate FFVII and VIII... even X... enough that it happened.  They just want to keep believing FF can never be better than the 2D years...

Thats definetely happened, and now the same PS FF fans (not all of course a minority) are targetting the newer FF's in a similar way as they can "never be better than the PS1 FF's."

But thats the minority, a vocal one though.

BUT there's no doubt that the fan base is heavily divided though, each FF being different has something to do with it, its just interesting as I haven't seen any other fan base of a franchise this divided on different issues of what they want in a FF.

Then there are a few like me who love all of them :)

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey