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Lag. DP.

Honestly, if you want this post put as simply as possible: some people really take the "Xbox360 sells so much software!" line way too far. I've seen many people suggest the Wii would need to double the 360's hardware install base to ever outsell  the 360's software.

But clearly, that isn't the case for the Wii, nor for the PS3. I expect the 360 IS selling more software-per-hardware by a few percentage points, but it's extremely close.

Again, as a brief summary: the 360 had approximately 51 percent hardware marketshare in October, and sold approximately 54 percent of the software. The Wii had approximately 34 percent hardware marketshare in October, and sold approximately 30 percent of the software. The PS3 had approximately 15 percent of the hardware market in October, and sold approximately 16 percent of the software.

In November, PS3 and Wii finally have more than half the hardware market combined. They also combined to have more than half the software market for the first time ever in the same month.

This points to a few percentage difference in software sales, not some huge, insurmountable advantage.">">