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For the record, the Reformation was all about Protestantism, not atholicism and it was as bloody as a conflict can get.

As for the rest, that is why I adjusted by 600 years. Do you want me to list what Christians did back in the 1400's? I can tell you, it is far worse than just mere executions. Don't bother arguing this point, you will lose. Islam is far more peaceful than Christianity at the same point of maturity. It's not about the year we live in, but how old the ideaology is. Islam is far younger than Christianity and behaving far more civil than Christianity ever did up until a century or two ago.

You can't just compare somone who is 30 to someone who is 18. You look at the person the 30 year-old was when he was 18. Looking at it like that, Muslims are far better than Christians, and more civil to boot. Thinking otherwise just shows how conceited they are.


Then again, I can't help but laugh when 1 billion people who believe in one fairy tale starts fighting with another set of 1 billion who believe in another fairy tale. It's about as funny as "dude, my unicorns will so kick your leprechauns' asses!" "nuh uh!" "yah huh!" "nah uh" ...*gunshot*.

Edit: Quick fixes here and there.

Yes, Christian ideology is older... but all that proves is that there have been far more opportunities to hurt and abuse it. The ideology hasn't changed, it's the people proclaiming the ideology that have changed.

And like mrstickball said, human nature is enough to produce violence from any worldview.

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