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imran_nxt said:

to everyone here, i am a muslim and that episode clearly hurt the sentiments of all muslims. it wasnt required when you know that you are going to offend someone by talking about their belief and religion. I dnt know ppl like to label muslims as terrorists and extremists these days but it is so easy to do that without understanding or bothering to understand their beliefs and values.
the southpark creators just want money and thats it, and how will they do it, obviously by talking about something that people dont like. its not necessary that what is funny to you is funny for everyone else.we dont like it when someone talks like that about our prophet (peace be upon him),period! and then why do people still do it or show things and hence intentionally/unintentionally hurt our feelings. As a human being, i wouldnt want to hurt someone if i knew what hurts that person but knowing so and still doing it makes people morons and i dont want to use any more foul words bcoz the creators of southpark arent worth it for me.

and ya one more thing: its all a question of faith and nothing more.. peace!!

so its its fine when they show "deragoatory" scenes of jesus ?

why is it suddenly so offensive when it involves your faith?

"They will know heghan belongs to the helghast"

"England expects that everyman will do his duty"

"we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender"