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SpartanFX said:
best :

god of war series(reviews and sales also agree)

very good:(in order)

ninja gaiden series
DMC series

Good games:

heavenly sword

The very fact that you said Darksiders in the same breath as Bayonetta saddens me and makes me lose a little faith in humanity...

Darksiders is quite possibly the worst hack-n-slash I've played this gen, really basic, shallow aspecs of various popular games, with a pretty lame style/story and story to boot, and it was short on top of this only to end without ending the story so you basically have to buy the next game cause like so many games this gen they just shorten the game and end it on a cliffhanger to off set the costs, build up hype, and then sell you the second game (with minimal upgrades) also at full price to make up the development costs.  Just one of the worst offenders of that issue.

Bayonetta is simply the best hack-n-slash I ever played and I started in the camp that thought it was trying to be too sexual and going for the horny teens, then saw what shaped up to be pretty amazing...

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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