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seeing this thread made me think of how much i waste money on collecting games (and gaming related things) , well its not a WASTE since its final fantasy and i enjoy every game in that series , but sometimes seeing as how much space old games take and time and also money i spend on these, and being a non US residen't i have to import everything which leads to higher prices, i feel like i should sell some of my old gaming collections, i am a collector though but sometimes ... it just bites you in the back and you gotta face reality , why do you collect too much if you are not going to play it ? i won't gain anything from this nor am i going to have the time to play it all, i used to have time for it but not anymore you see, i have a lot of games i bought that i didn't finish let alone get pass a quarter of it.

anyone else feel the same? (or is a collector for that matter) , i don't even know why i am posting this since i don't like to be having opinions forced on me (lol i don't really) , i just felt like i'd share.

i feel like i am not enjoying the games enough i buy and i am not giving them justice to just play them a little and then leave them.

I live for the burn...and the sting of pleasure...
I live for the sword, the steel, and the gun...

- Wasteland - The Mission.