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Squilliam said:
kibebr said:
Smart Move, letting PS3 version be better would cause less sales on X360!

It doesn't matter because the smart PS3 owners who give a crap about visuals are playing it on PC, the smart PS3 owners who don't care are playing it on the PS3 and then theres you posting on a forum.

Thats exact... that´s why I play on my Wii with my son and play Fallout3 on my notebook and play MW2 on PS3... I want the eazy way, not the best video experience one... I wanna fun fun funfunfunfufnfunnfuf :)

And also, I was kidding ont hat post :P

You know I love you Squillian! >:

PSN: franco-br
MGS4, GH, MW2, GT5p, WipeoutHD, etc..etc..