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-The cast wasn't very good. Cloud and Sephiroth are probably the worst protagonist and antagonist in the series. Barret was a walking stereotype. Tifa just made no sense what so ever. She knew Cloud was full of it and risked the safety of Avalance with a guy she knew was lying. Why? They weren't even close as children. Yuffie was nails on a chalk board personified. I actually liked Vincent. Cait Sith....yeah lets just move on. Aerith was in the game just to die and it would have been a nice twist if the US ad campaign didn't spoil her death in the commercials.

-The story was flat out terrible. While Sephiroth and Jenova get the focus. Hojo was the true villain. Why'd he do it. Good question, maybe SE will tell us some day.

-The sound quality was poor. The game was on three CD's but the sample rate was lower than FFIV which was on a 3MB cartridge WTF.

-The gameplay wasn't very good either. Your characters merely looked different. Outside of limit breaks they had no unique game play aspects.

-The graphics weren't very good. The whole point of having prerendered backgrounds was to save the polygons for more detailed characters. Resident Evil managed to go a good job of this, Final Fantasy VII gave us flat shaded characters with Popeye arms. Combining their low detail with the high detail of the backgrounds was NOT a good combination.